The membership body for early years professionals across the UK
Browse the many ways we offer to keep updating and building your knowledge and skills in early childhood education – click through to find more information on how we can support you.
Training and consultancy service
Our expert team of Associates provide training and consultancy to local authorities, schools, and settings. From INSET days to conference keynotes, get the support you need at a budget to suit you.
Online and face-to-face courses
We run courses to support your continuing professional development in all aspects of early childhood education – find our latest webinars and ‘learning circles’ and book a place.
Conferences & events
Our conferences provide opportunities to hear from well-known speakers and network with colleagues.
Local branch events
Our local branches around the UK offer twilight and evening events. Hear inspiring speakers, visit outstanding nurseries, and network with likeminded colleagues.
Books and videos
We publish and sell a range of books and videos to support your professional learning.
Free resources
We have a range of free resources on our website to support your practice, from getting children outdoors and active to making best use of Early Years Pupil Premium.