
Birth to 5 Matters guidance is launched

Following six months of consultation and input from across the early years sector, the Early Years Coalition tonight launches Birth to 5 Matters.  The materials include a core document available as a free download, with printed copies available to purchase, and an interactive online version which includes all the text from the core document, plus additional resources, […]

An Early Years qualification for primary school headteachers? by Julie Fisher

A call for universal expertise for applications to primary school headship Transition for children from the Reception class into Year 1 in England remains fraught with challenge. The absence of national principled guidance makes this age group particularly vulnerable to inappropriate expectations and targets. Since the introduction of the National Curriculum the pedagogical direction of […]

January 2021

Briefing on the impact of COVID-19 on the early years sector – safety concerns and funding

Covid-19 costs and loss of income could lead to mass cuts and closures

Only 10% of local authority maintained nursery schools in England are confident of being able to keep going with current funding levels, according to a survey carried out by early years charity Early Education and unions NAHT, NEU and UNISON published today (Friday). Delays to a long-promised revision of their funding formula has left these schools facing […]

Anti-racism in the early years by Rachna Joshi

Introduction Race and racism in society is as important as ever; I am writing not only as a British South Asian who has experienced racism, but as an ally against white supremacy and anti-Black sentiment that perpetuates our consciousness. Structural racism is insidious, and we need to look at ourselves and think about the messages […]