Further enhance your learning opportunities

Early Education is a national charity, that has been working for almost 100 years to enhance educators’ expertise and advocating for quality early education.

We support the professional learning and development of early years practitioners through the provision of quality training and resources.

The Early Education Journal

The online back catalogue of our Journals is available to members. Past issues cover the influence of the key educational philosophies of Froebel, Montessori, Steiner and Pikler or the influence of Susan Isaacs and Vivian Gussin-Paley on observing child development. 

Books and Publications

Early Education publishes and sells a wide range of books and publications designed to support practitioners in their professional learning and development.

Enhance your early years provision with these helpful resources, keeping your knowledge up to date.


Pedagogic Resources

Our resource pages include information about the educational philosophies of thinkers such as Froebel and Malaguzzi, as well as reflections from contemporary researchers and practitioners.


Training webinars, local and national events

We provide a range of webinars and training events which support your continuing professional development.

Courses cover leadership and management as well as exploring pedagogical resources and philosophies to enhance your early years provision.