
National Audit Office queries low early years disadvantage funding

The National Audit Office’s new report, Improving educational outcomes for disadvantaged children, finds that in 2023-24, DfE allocated an estimated £9.2 billion to specifically focus on the educational attainment of disadvantaged children. However, disadvantaged children continued to perform less well than their peers across all areas and school phases. Crucially for the early years sector, […]

Labour commits to more nursery provision in schools

On 10 June, Labour announced their plans for “over three thousand new nursery classes across England to open up access to childcare hours for families”, with “spare classrooms” in schools to be used either for nursery provision delivered by schools, or by PVIs. According to the Guardian, this will include funding of £140m to refurbish […]

Conservatives plan to extend Family Hubs

The Conservative Manifesto has promised to extend Family Hubs to all local authorities. This would both extend funding for the 75 local authorities where they currently operate, and introduce new funding for those authorities currently without it. This provides some recognition of the need to support families with young children, but with funding levels for […]

Lib Dems commit to tripling early years pupil premium

The Lib Dems have published their manifesto, including commitments to incorporate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into UK law and to tackle child poverty. On early education and childcare specifically, they aim to “close the attainment gap by giving disadvantaged children aged three and four an extra five free hours a […]

Early Education and Childcare Coalition manifesto calls for “rescue and reform”

Today, Friday 17 May, the Early Education and Childcare Coalition (EECC) has launched its new manifesto, with proposals to rescue and reform England’s early education and childcare sector. Early Education are one of the 30 organisations in the coalition which brings together representatives of parents and children, practitioners, providers, employers and the business sector. To […]

DfE clarification: funded entitlements to remain free to access

In response to recent queries about why the latest DfE guidance on providing the early education and childcare entitlements has removed references to additional charges being voluntary, we have received the following clarification for providers: Clarifying policy on charging The policy has not changed. As set out in A1.36 of the guidance, Local authorities should […]

Government consults on funding rates for extended entitlements in England

DfE has today launched a consultation on the new funding rates which will apply for 2-year-olds and under 2s when the new entitlements are introduced in England in 2024-25. The consultation sets out the government’s plans which are in brief: Like the current funding formulae, under these new formulae the allocations to local authorities will […]