
DfE issues update on early education funding entitlements

DfE has issued slightly more detail about the planned uplift in the hourly rates for the current and new entitlements, following the announcements in the recent Budget. A recent ministerial response to a parliamentary question also confirmed that the expected rate for under 2s will be around £11. The DfE’s calculations are predicated on assumptions […]

The early years sector needs a properly funded workforce

Today, teachers from the National Education Union are striking, including many working in nursery and reception classes. In the last week, the Department for Education published a report providing further evidence of the importance and impact of high quality teaching in reception. This adds to existing evidence about the crucial role of high quality teaching […]

Early Education President, Cathy Nutbrown, made a Dame in New Years Honours list

We welcome the news that our President, Professor Cathy Nutbrown, has been made a Dame in the year’s New Years Honours list.  This is much deserved for Cathy’s tireless work advocating for the best interests of young children and championing the vital role of the early years workforce.  Cathy’s landmark report into the early years […]

Government response to funding consultation and announcement of 2023-24 allocations

DfE have today announced the early years funding settlement for 2023-24, which leaves the early years sector struggling on below inflationary increases. While an additional £10m for the least well-funded maintained nursery schools (MNS) is welcome, and an additional £20m for the Early Years National Funding Formula represents a token acknowledgement of the additional wage […]

Ofsted’s Annual Review highlights importance of early years workforce

Ofsted’s latest annual review highlights the impact of recruitment and retention challenges and finds a link between inspection outcomes and the proportion of graduates in a setting. It recognises the work which settings are doing to address the impact of the pandemic on young children. It found that 96% of providers on the early years […]

Priorities for England’s new early years minister

The tenth early years minister in ten years, Kelly Tolhurst, is now in post. It’s good news that early years is part of a Minister of State’s portfolio rather than given to a more junior post.  However, the rest of her brief is extensive, leaving a risk that early years is not a priority.  We […]

Take-up of funded entitlements in England nears pre-pandemic levels

Comparing figures from January 2022 and January 2020, progress is being made towards previous levels of take up of funded early education. Latest figures from the DfE show that 92% of eligible 3- and 4-year-olds took up their entitlement to 15 hours of early education in January 2022, compared to 93% in 2020. However, this […]

New National Plan for Music extended to early years

Early Education welcomes the news that the new National Plan for Music Education has been extended to cover the early years.  We are glad to see that this includes recognition that many early years practitioners are not music specialists and an extension of the role of Music Hubs to include supporting the early years sector.  […]