
Settling children

Healthy settling for high wellbeing How can we best help children feel at ease so that they are secure and settled in their new provision? To hold children in mind and consider them as the person to put first means supporting their wellbeing as utmost priority. 10 pointers for healthy settling Children confidently leave their […]

Listening to children

Having a voice There may be many reasons why young children do not have a voice. Perhaps they There could be many more reasons. Loss of power Children do not possess the power that words have to communicate and make needs known. There is a definite power in being able to speak, to use words […]


This page was written following our Community of practice about transitions. We had a lot of sharing and questioning about this and so we thought we would share it here. Transitions are inevitable Transitions are an inevitable part in every child’s journey. Many papers, articles and books have been written on the subject, some of which […]

Crying and what it means

When children cry they are telling us something important We need to understand and listen to their tears. Supporting children when they express strong emotions and crying will support their emotional development, develop their resilience, help them to trust, separate from main carers healthily and confidently, and have high wellbeing.  Ensuring and promoting high wellbeing […]

ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)

ACEs: Adverse Childhood experiences On this page we will collate information we find about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), a relatively new scientific concept impacting early childhood and our work. The more we find out about ACEs, the more we can apply it in our practice.  The science is clear, early adversity dramatically affects health across […]

Attachment and trauma awareness

by Cathy Gunning Showing empathy creates calm Showing and demonstrating empathy to children who have experienced trauma and have attachment difficulties, can help them to heal and change. I heard Dr Margot Sunderland, a powerful advocate of this approach, speak at a conference about helping children in their emotions by showing and demonstrating empathy. Dr […]

Settling children, crying children, by Cathy Gunning

There is no doubt about it, settling takes time for many children. For others it would appear it takes no time at all. If we are to hold children’s wellbeing at the forefront of our minds and consider their individuality and personality as most important we really must notice and tune in to what matters […]