
Reflecting on leadership development in the context of workforce crisis

by Kayla Halls, Early Years Research Fellow at Middlesex University & Mona Sakr, Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood at Middlesex University’ Leaders in the early years (EY) set the tone for the way settings run. Whether it’s nursery managers, pedagogical leaders or room leaders, leadership development is essential for improving how EY organisations work and […]

The early years sector needs a properly funded workforce

Today, teachers from the National Education Union are striking, including many working in nursery and reception classes. In the last week, the Department for Education published a report providing further evidence of the importance and impact of high quality teaching in reception. This adds to existing evidence about the crucial role of high quality teaching […]

I want to be an inspiring leader…

by Amanda Ince and Liz Bullough, UCL Institute of Education “I want to be an inspiring leader who can inspire my colleagues in my setting to be the best it can be….” This quote from a participant on the fully funded NPQ Early Years Leadership programme designed by UCL Institute of Education with Early Education […]

Ofsted’s Annual Review highlights importance of early years workforce

Ofsted’s latest annual review highlights the impact of recruitment and retention challenges and finds a link between inspection outcomes and the proportion of graduates in a setting. It recognises the work which settings are doing to address the impact of the pandemic on young children. It found that 96% of providers on the early years […]

Early Years Foundation Stage: No place for men?

by Clarissa Frigerio Why are there so few men teaching in the early years? I have worked in the profession for almost 9 years, and I was lucky to teach internationally (Italy, USA, and UK). Only once in that time I worked with a man. But this should not have been a surprise, as latest […]

Teaching in reception for the first time

New to teaching reception

It could be argued that teachers who move into teaching reception for the first time, face the same challenges as the children themselves as they start in reception. 

Priorities for England’s new early years minister

The tenth early years minister in ten years, Kelly Tolhurst, is now in post. It’s good news that early years is part of a Minister of State’s portfolio rather than given to a more junior post.  However, the rest of her brief is extensive, leaving a risk that early years is not a priority.  We […]

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