Food to share recipe booklet

Food to share recipe booklet

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Food to share recipe booklet


This booklet, authored by the award-winning Children’s Kitchen, contains over 20 recipes that children, families and practitioners can make and bring to an event to celebrate our Centenary. Equally, it supports practitioners and families with easy and accessible recipes to get children exploring food and cooking at home or in an early years setting.

Food activities provide a wealth of learning experiences across all areas of learning in the early years. Children’s sensory discrimination is heightened through opportunities to touch, taste, smell, listen and look, which in turn promotes language, communication and new vocabulary, as well as conversations about foods that keep us healthy. Self-expression is encouraged as children create their own recipes, problem solve and find innovative ways to represent their ideas and achievements.

Download the free PDF (you’re welcome to share this with families) or order printed copies for £10 to support our Centenary fundraising appeal. Profits will support the charity’s core mission of promoting high quality early childhood education for all.

Order your copy in paperback format for £10 – in stock and shipping now. 

Or, order our Centenary combination pack – including a copy of the Food to share recipe booklet, Early childhood education: current realities and future priorities, and The Educational Value of the Nursery School – 90th Anniversary edition for just £35.
