Beatrice Merrick

Helping children cope with change

Early childhood seems like a time of constant change to adults. Just as you’ve got used to a predictable daytime nap, your child decides that she would rather play and chat than sleep. And just when you’ve worked out how to change her nappy while she’s standing up (because she won’t lie down), she insists […]

Going out to play and learn

Why go outside? Big movers Have you ever been in an open space with young children? The first thing they want to do is to break away from your hand and run! They are born with the desire to move, and open space is exciting. Learning to move is not just about making muscles strong, […]

Children as artists

Young children are artists. They use all sorts of materials to show what they have noticed about the world. They might draw the rain falling onto the tent during a family holiday, paint a giraffe seen at the zoo, model a fish from clay and press patterns into its body. What they make can say […]

Babies – learning starts from the first day

Taking care of a baby is tiring work, with a lot of feeding, nappies and broken nights. When you are exhausted, it can be harder to notice that a baby is really alert to what you do and say. It can be even harder if you have been told, “Babies don’t do anything” or “They’re […]

6. Branch event administration

All branch events bookings must be carried out via the Early Education online event bookings system.  Benefits of branch events being bookable via Head Office For delegates:  a simple easy-to-use automated booking experience, with a choice of payment methods including credit/debit card or invoice.  Telephone support available in office hours in case of any difficulties. […]

5. Pro formas and policies

The following pro formas are available for download: Branch officers’ information fom – This form needs to be completed by branch secretaries when a new branch is set up and thereafter following the branch Annual General Meeting. This should be sent to central office by the end of May each year, so that information can […]

4. Guidelines for branch secretaries

Some branches have more than one secretary, as duties can be sub-divided for example committee, membership, minutes, publicity or events. Secretarial duties to be covered are: Committee support prepare agendas for the branch committee and the AGM (see pro formas section for a model branch committee meeting agenda) record minutes of committee meetings, and keep […]

3. Branch finances

Central support for branch financial administration Branch funds are held in the main Early Education bank accounts to reduce the financial administration burden on branches and simplify the process of annual reporting.  This also ensures financial transactions are conducted in accordance with our financial controls procedures. Each branch’s finances are separately coded on our finance […]

1. Setting up a branch

We welcome proposals to establish new branches.  Here are some suggested steps to consider when setting up a branch: What is the nature of local demand for local branch events?  You might want to consider: Are there many Early Education members in the area already?  You can contact the Early Education office for information about […]

2. Running a branch

The status of branches Branches are part of the national charity.  They do not have any separate legal status.  The trustees of the national charity are responsible for the charity as a whole, including its branches.  Branches are run by committees of volunteers, who should appoint a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer to manage branch affairs, […]