
New EYFS Statutory Framework documents published

The Department for Education has today published the two versions of the EYFS Statutory Framework which will apply from 4 January 2024: These incorporate the changes set out in the government’s response to its consultation on the proposed changes.  The main changes for group-based providers include: The new frameworks are accompanied by guidance on Early years […]

Early years funding rates for 2024-25 still fall short for 3- and 4-year-olds

The Department for Education have today announced the funding rates which will apply from April 2024, including for the new entitlements launching from that date.  They have also published the response to the consultation on the new funding rates. National average funding rates from April 2024 will be: DfE have published an “easy explainer” of […]

DfE announces further changes to EYFS requirements

The Department for Education has today published its response to the EYFS consultation conducted in the summer. The changes will be implemented from January 2024 and copies of the revised Statutory Framework documents will be published in the coming weeks. Ministers have listened to feedback on two key proposals and will not go ahead with […]

Government consults on funding rates for extended entitlements in England

DfE has today launched a consultation on the new funding rates which will apply for 2-year-olds and under 2s when the new entitlements are introduced in England in 2024-25. The consultation sets out the government’s plans which are in brief: Like the current funding formulae, under these new formulae the allocations to local authorities will […]

Mid-year funding rates in England to rise, but not enough to meet the funding gap

The Department for Education has today announced that the extra £204m for early years announced in the budget will be allocated to local authorities as an additional grant to boost funding for the early years entitlements between September 2023 and March 2024. The average rate for a 3- or 4-year-old will rise from £5.29 to […]

Labour’s mission to focus on the early years

In a speech today, Kier Starmer will set out Labour’s plans to expand opportunity via five “missions” including “Early years reform – to boost child development with an ambitious target of half a million more children hitting their early learning targets by 2030.”  We welcome the focus on the early years, and applaud the aim for many more […]

Government proposals to relax EYFS qualification requirements will impact quality

The Department for Education (DfE) is currently consulting on proposals to amend the Early Years Foundation Stage. They propose relaxing the requirements around the minimum qualifications levels for the sector including: These proposals are intended to allow flexibility to providers as a recognition of the recruitment and retention crisis currently faced by the early years […]

DfE issues update on early education funding entitlements

DfE has issued slightly more detail about the planned uplift in the hourly rates for the current and new entitlements, following the announcements in the recent Budget. A recent ministerial response to a parliamentary question also confirmed that the expected rate for under 2s will be around £11. The DfE’s calculations are predicated on assumptions […]