Coaching & mentoring

What coaching and mentoring can do for you

We can provide early years coaching and mentoring for those working in the sector who are looking for an expert to provide timely input and support. Coaching is the tried and tested way to set new goals, make positive changes, and help keep you on track to achieve your goals both personally and professionally.

The Education Endowment Foundation (2023) identifies “a period of coaching from an expert or mentor to support educators or leaders within an early years setting” as an example of professional development (Guide to Effective Professional Development in the Early Years, p6) which offers social support and high quality professional conversations, both of which can make professional development effective. 

Find more information about what coaching and mentoring can do for you by looking at our coaches and mentors, and exploring the different packages we offer. If you’d like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Our Associates: coaches and mentors

Nicola can help you with:

  • managing work-life balance
  • personal relationships
  • professional relationships
  • time management
  • overwhelm
  • stress management
  • leadership skills
  • communication skills
  • imposter syndrome
  • dealing with ‘failure’

Nicola also runs sessions for groups that focus on communication and wellbeing and can include the following themes:

  • The art of conversation
  • Are we listening?
  • Perspective seeking and taking.
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Self-care and wellness

Nicola Burke is a qualified Personal & Professional Performance Coach, has a Master’s in Education and over 23 years of experience specialising in creating professional development programmes for individuals and organisations nationally and internationally. Nicola works within the International Coaching Federation’s Code of Competencies and Core Values supporting people to with their professional and personal development. She has led award winning research in listening, led large workforce development projects for organisations globally, and coached leaders from a range of sectors on a 1-1 basis.

Please contact us to discuss how Nicola could support you.

Please contact us to discuss how Sally could support you.

Please contact us to discuss how Sharon could support you.

Please contact us to discuss how Cathy could support you.

Please contact us to discuss how Joan could support you.

Please contact us to discuss how Ruth could support you.

Our coaching and mentoring packages

Early years coaching and mentoring

We can support the professional development of early years practitioners, teachers, leaders and managers working in maintained, private, voluntary, independent and home-based early years settings through our coaching and mentoring.

Individual and group support

We can facilitate coaching, mentoring, and targeted support offers for individuals or for groups – whether in-person or online, at times to suit you to meet your needs and your budget.

Flexible packages for all roles

From a series of short sessions to long-term project-based work, we can address your requirements. Whether you’re an NQT/RQT or an aspiring leader, to those already in leadership roles at all levels, our experienced Associates can support you achieve your professional goals.

Coaching and mentoring sessions can take place on a 1-to-1 basis or in groups; sessions can be virtual or face-to-face.

Coaching and mentoring 1-to-1 sessions typically last for up to one hour. Small group coaching sessions normally start from one hour and are created to suit the theme and need of the group. Packages range in length and period of time, from intensive one-off sessions to a regular schedule of every four weeks, quarter, six-months, or annually, depending on your requirements. We can gladly discuss options and adapt a package to suit your needs – contact us to discuss your needs and for a full quote. 

Find a coach or mentor - enquire now

Get in touch to discuss your booking today: we're happy to make recommendations to fit your vision, whether a short series of sessions or as part of a long-term project for an individual or for a team. Our Associates bespoke the delivery to your professional context and requirements - whether that's in-person or virtual - to meet your coaching, mentoring, and early years consultancy needs.  

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