Early Education is an incorporated charity and UK-wide membership organisation which promotes high quality early childhood education and supports early years practitioners throughout the UK. Our small staff team is based in St Albans.
We have one trustee vacancy available to fill by co-option, and wish to appoint an individual who shares our values and principles and can extend the skills-base of the board. We are particularly keen to find candidates with lived experience of equality, diversity and inclusion in the early years. To improve the diversity of our Board, men and people from minoritised ethnic communities are particularly welcome to apply. Experience as a charity trustee is desirable, but relevant experience is more important.
The Board meets four times a year, as do our sub-committees (Finance & General Purposes Committee and Development Committee). You should able to commit to undertaking the general duties of a trustees and attending the Board meetings and one of the sub-committees. Meetings are mostly held online, but with one to two face to face meetings of the Board per year.
What are we looking for?
Candidates must demonstrate:
- commitment to the organisation with willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to perform an effective role
- strategic vision and ability to think creatively
- understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
- ability to work effectively as a member of a team
- good, independent judgement
- tact and diplomacy, impartiality, fairness and the ability to respect confidences
- good communication and interpersonal skills
What difference will you make?
Early Education is a small charity with a big impact. We seek to influence government policy on early childhood education, and we also provide a vital source of expert support to practitioners and teachers working with our youngest children, especially in areas of deprivation.
Before you apply
To apply, please write and tell us how you match the fit the person specification and job description and what you would do for Early Education. Your application should be no more than two sides of A4 with the details of two referees.