Physical development in early childhood
Clare Devlin, Early Education Associate What aspects of physical development should we focus on within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and other early years curricula? In this article, I explore the importance of physicality at this crucial point in a child’s development. The article explores two key aspects, “moving and handling” and “self-care”. It […]
The Family Music Hub – transforming music-making with families
by Nicola Burke, Rosie Adediran and Katie Neilson When families with young children congregate, music and singing tends to happen! Whether it’s at the local children’s centre stay and play, a 5-minute sing-song at the end of a toddler group in the local church hall, a “rhyme time” session at the local library, singing and […]
Resisting intensified accountability: is now the time for inspection reform?
by Dr Jo Albin-Clark, Edge Hill University and Dr Nathan Archer, Leeds Beckett University Inspection in the news Being involved in education in England involves navigating an intense policy landscape where accountability is entangled with surveillance and performativity (Spencer Woodley, 2014; Kilderry, 2015). Ofsted, the regulatory accountability mechanism in England, has seen heightened scrutiny recently […]
Can guided play enhance younger children’s learning?
Guest blog from Dr Elizabeth Byrne, University of Cambridge Most educators will be aware that “what works” in support of children’s learning and development is the subject of seemingly endless debate, with the role of play in education one of a number of hotly-contested points. It is not unusual to hear both researchers and practitioners […]
Outdoor play and learning – ideas, info and lots of links
When writing our January Early Years Teaching News, I tweeted a survey to ask if practitioners and leaders would like information about ICT or outside play. Sixty-nine percent voted for outside play and when seeing this, Kathryn Solly, Early Education Associate, outdoors expert, consultant and author, offered to help write something for us. Outdoor play: pedagogic […]
ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
ACEs: Adverse Childhood experiences On this page we will collate information we find about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), a relatively new scientific concept impacting early childhood and our work. The more we find out about ACEs, the more we can apply it in our practice. The science is clear, early adversity dramatically affects health across […]
Cursive or joined up writing in early years: the case against
Cursive or joined up writing in the early years We already know that there is no mention of handwriting, joined up or cursive writing styles in the EYFS statutory requirements and none about joined up writing specifically in the EYFS Development Matters guidance. We have written about this in our Cursive and joined up writing is […]
Anni McTavish
Anni is an experienced workshop leader, trainer, and presenter, with over thirty years in the field of early education. She has been both a practitioner, deputy, and Headteacher, and has worked across the UK, Europe, and Internationally.
Anne O’Connor
Anne has more than twenty years’ experience and leadership in nursery, infant and primary schools in inner London. She developed and coordinated one of the first Early Years Units in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, in which nursery and reception age children were fully integrated.
Anne Harding
Anne has been an independent trainer for twenty years. She supplies courses and in-service training for national and regional bodies, local authorities, pre-schools, schools, museums and other organisations throughout Britain and internationally. She frequently speaks at conferences.